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tv   Predator Raw The Unseen Tapes  MSNBC  September 23, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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try. i'm going to try. i'm going to do this. i'm just going to go. you seen us catch online predators. men looking for children on the internet. when caught in the act, some get feisty. >> chill, man. others desperate. >> i know my mom is going to take my computer and completely throw it away. >> now how they try to explain themselves. >> i didn't come here to have
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sex. i come to get the girl and go to the party, dude. >> why did you do it, then? >> when people sweet talk me, i fault. >> i'm being straight up with you, i swear on my own kids' life i'm being straight up with you. >> and destructive compulsions. >> are you addicted? >> i'm not extremely addicted? >> in ft. myers had just come off a vacation not far from here with my family on the beach. i was rested and ready to go. sometimes you wait until 4:00 in the morning and the restful esks of the vacation get away from yo you. >> chill, man. this is one of the nicest,
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wealthiest neighborhoods in ft. myers. virtually every guy who walked in is stun at how beautiful this house was. >> you guys got him? >> he oversees the perverted justice decoys operates across the country and in our house as well. he gives us the information we need. and separately provides information to the district attorney so they can have theirs go smoothly on the other side. emily had been with us in ohio and came along to florida. college student, dancer, 19 years old, but looked way, way younger. and she could easily pass for a 13 or 14-year-old. >> oh my god. what is he carry sng. >> we were trying to figure out what he had. >> he's walking up the driveway. people worried about a weapon.
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it could also be alcohol in his case it was nothing. >> knock on the back door. >> hey, come on in. come on in. i'm in here. i made you chocolate chip cookies and they're on the table. i'm just getting changed. i got some chocolate on my shirt. come in the living room and take a seat. >> i'm right here standing. >> he's looking nervous. >> hey, how are you? why don't you have a seat on that school for me there? >> what's up? >> looking for work and stuff. >> what kind of work were you looking for, exactly? >> black top sales. >> his story didn't make a lot of sense. you want to start the story again? that was a lie.
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>> sorry about that. >> why did you lie? >> i don't know. i don't like being in trouble. i talk to a lot of people and i meet a lot of people. >> the reason you sent this picture to someone who identified themselves as a-year-old girl? that's appropriate to send to a 14-year-old girl? >> no. >> i am into young girls. i like them better than older girls. are you into sex? what was the biggest blank you have had? she says she's only had one. you talk about the size of your penis. >> whatever i did say on there.
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i don't like getting in any trouble in this. >> how could you expect not to get in trouble by setting up a date after a sexually charged conversation with a girl who said she was 14? how could you expect not to get in trouble? who approached him first? >> i clicked on the name. i said hi. >> so you started the conversation? >> yeah. >> can you take a nude picture of yourself? >> i just talk and, you know. not to make anything bad. i talk to a lot of people and stuff. i got a cousin that types up stuff underneath your name, too. >> you're not trying to tell me you didn't have a conversation. >> i typed this. there was no intentions of me doing that. did you bring condoms today? >> i've been listening into his
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conversation with emily before i walk out to confront him. she asked about condoms. say did you bring the condoms? did you bring protection? did you bring something? did you bring condoms. >> i always carry them on me? >> put them on the table. you always carry them right here in your breast pocket? what, if easy access? >> when you're in the wallet. they make a crease inside your wallet. >> you wouldn't want that. >> no. >> a lot of these guys have family. >> i have children from a previous marriage. i got one boy. >> and the 14-year-old is a girl. >> it's wrong on every level anyway. but then to have a 14-year-old daughter at home.
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>> would you be comfortable if your 14-year-old daughter was home alone and a man in his 30s came home to meet her after this kind of conversation? >> no, i wouldn't. >> so if it's not okay for your 14-year-old daughter, why is it okay for you to do this with a 14-year-old girl. >> i might have said what i said there, but there was no intentions of it. >> that doesn't make sense. >> i'm being straight up with you. i swear on my outside kids life. >> i love my kids dearly. >> one of the saddest part is the collateral damage. what happens to the wife, to the children who are at home? >> have you ever seen "dateline nbc? >> no, i usually watch sci-fi. >> have you seen our stories on
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predators who go after kids? this is one of those stories. we're doing a story about adults meeting kids online. if there's anything else you would like to say, we would like to hear it, and if not, obviously you're free to walk out that door. >> get on the ground. >> we were prepared to have more than one guy show up at the same time. sometimes police make an arrest and don't have time to take the guy away and have to hold him until they can make the second arrest. when thomas left, they didn't have a chance to take him out of there. >> that's fine. hop in. >> walk over here to this car over here.
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you'll talk to a couple of people. >> watch your head getting in. he had some condoms in there. the address of the location was on there. so we took all of that as evidence. >> i got to tell you something. i'm chris hansen with "dateline nbc". we're doing a story on adults meeting children, and since you have your child here, i'm not going to pursue this. g very intn common. they have teachers... ...with a deeper knowledge of their subjects. as a result, their students achieve at a higher level. let's develop more stars in education. let's invest in our teachers... they can inspire our students. let's solve this. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true.
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it was sunday afternoon and we had one more man who was going to show up. and he was coming over to meet a 14-year-old boy. and i believe we had a description of his car, so we see it pull up, and it's an suv. >> he's in the driveway. he's backing out now.
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he's backing out of the driveway. looks like he's going to park on the street. >> he gets out and goes to the rear passenger side. we think he's going to get beer or pizza or something. instead, he grabs the hand of his 5-year-old son and leads him out of the car and up the driveway. and i hear frag say -- >> oh no! he brought his son with him. he's got the child with him. >> apparently the mother, his wife, was working that day. he was in charge of the child and figured he would ride along. and there's a collective gasp that you could hear in the house. >> just going up to the front door. he has the child with him. >> go to the back. this door doesn't open. >> he's one of the guys who had a very short online chat, but then on the phone is graphic about what he wants to do. and he has this conversation
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with del, who is supposedly a 14-year-old boy. >> making the turn, coming in the back door, coming through, walking into living room. >> and so i'm thinking, how do i handle this? and so he comes in, he's got the kid by the hand. he's startled. i'm going to tell you straight up right now. i'm chris hansen with "dateline nbc." we're doing a story on adults meeting children. and since you have your child here, i'm not going to pursue this. >> okay. >> but i think you know what you were doing here, don't you? >> no, i was just going to take someone to lunch. >> take a boy out to lunch you met on the internet. >> yeah, i'm sorry. >> my point is because your child is here, i think it would be best if you went ahead and left. >> yeah, i agree. >> frag was talking to the police, and you know, this is
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going to be a different sort of arrest. >> rob, we're going to send this guy out of here because he's got his kid. sir, right there. you come here. you come here. let go of the child. >> as gently as the female officer scooped him up, he still had to see his father get arrested. >> just give me my son, please. can i please have my son, please? >> somebody get the car seat out of his vehicle. >> you got to remember that he's guys who work with me on these invest gagss have done other investigations with me some of the darkest parts of the world and exposed the most tragic thing you can see happen to kids, and they were just blown away. some of these guys were in tears. >> put your belt on, buddy. we're going to go for a two-minute ride. >> based upon his interview with police, the chat log and everything else, it doesn't seem
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like he was going to involve the child in a sex act. it seemed like he was going to set the kid up in a room with a dvd and go do whatever he was going to do with his 14-year-old in another location. during his interview with police, he suggested that it was the lack of intimacy in his marriage that drove him to do this. pending that, relatives told us first the boy was living with his mother. then the boy went to live with other relatives because the mother took the father back in. and that was the situation. >> you got the phone records? taped conversations? am i being held up here? >> you're free to walk out this door. >> you think i want an interview? hey, how you all doing? okay.
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here he comes. the gold car coming down is our boy. >> schumacher is trouble. after his online chat he talks his sister, who has a child or two in the car -- >> we have a carload of people here. >> -- in driving them over there and waiting in the driveway. he wants to take the underage girl to a party to drink and smoke weed and ultimately have sex. all right, rob. i don't know how you're going to handle it. this is our boy. just so you know, the wildest thing he has ever done is run from the cops. he told us that he's ran before. so he's got rabbit blood. >> a 21-year-old. he talks about weed al greed. >> greed? >> he calls it greed. so you can ask did you bring any green. >> knock, knock. >> hey, come on in. got my sister and some babies out in the car, too, though. >> did you bring some green.
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>> no, we're going to smoke some when we get some, i just made cookies on my shirt, i'm going to change real fast. i'll be right out. >> all right. you can try one of my cookies they're so good. >> did you make them? >> yeah. i'll eat one. i like chocolate chip. >> hey, why don't you have a seat over there. >> how you doing? >> good. >> what's happen. >> put your hands up where i can see them. >> what's going on? >> you tell me what's going on. >> you her dad or something? >> he thinks that, well, this is a dad situation. all i have to do is talk my way out of this with the dad. this should take a matter of minutes and i'm out the door and back in my sister's car with her kids and i'll go to my party without the girl. >> so what are you doing in this house? >> i asked her if she wanted to go to birthday party? >> who were you here to pick up? >> what's your date's name for the party? >> b. >> b. >> and how old is b? >> she didn't tell me.
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don't be scared, dude. i just got a cigarette. don't be scared, dude. >> i'm not scared. >> then it becomes clear to him that i'm not the father. so then he thinks i'm with law enforcement. now he's starting to suspect he might be in more trouble. >> you seem like law enforcement. i happen to know law enforcement. >> you know law enforcement. >> i happen to know -- i happen to know law enforcement when i see them. >> you do? so you're an exper in the area. >> you come off as law enforcement. >> how old are you? >> i -- i'm 21. >> 21. you see an issue with a 21-year-old coming to visit a 14-year-old. >> i didn't know she was 14. >> she told you. >> we were in a role playing chat room. have you ever goat head? watch pornos? >> and, i'm an adult. >> well, the girl you were talking to is not. >> and your poor sister is waiting outside with two babies
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in the car because you had to come have sex with a 14-year-old. >> i didn't come here to have sex. i deny come over here to have sex. i come ooefr here to get the girl and go to the party, dude. >> and this guy has a mouth an an attitude that was unbelievable. real wisecracker. >> who are you? >> i'm chris hansen with dateline nbc. and we're doing a story -- >> you do look familiar. >> he pulls his shirt up and has a hat over it. it was one of those things that was almost humorous the way it played out. and the guy just kept talking the whole way. hey, man. i don't want -- i don't want to be on the news. you filming? >> we are filming. >> i don't want to be on the news. >> well, it's a little late for that. now if there's anything else you want to tell me? >> now, i was in a role playing chat room. you got taped conversations? you have that? >> you know, you're not really
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in that much of a strong position here. >> i know that, man. listen, am i being held up here? >> you're not being held up. you're free to walk out the door. you think i want an interview. >> you can walk out the door any time you want. >> is cops out there? >> how you all doing? nbc? >> nbc. >> and you're --? >> chris hansen. >> let me explain something to nbc here. what kind of -- what kind of the wrap you got on people. maybe you ought to get the whole story. because this girl is in a role playing chat room, and if she wants to play like she's 14, whatever. but on the phone the girl told me something different. >> really? and you expect me to believe that? >> you don't got to believe it. you don't got to. i'm not trying to convince you or these cameramen or anyone else. >> who you trying to convince? yourself? >> is police out there?
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let me no. >> again, i'm just doing a story here. >> i'm chill, man. >> it's okay, honey. >> when you're told to get on the ground, you get on the ground. >> i got on the ground. check me out, officer. >> schumacher had his nose in trouble before. it's not his first time riding in a police car. >> hey, christina, pick my cigarettes right there. >> and i don't think his sister had any clue to what was going on. she was just trying to do her brother a favor because he lost his license in a previous incident, and so she's waiting out in the agree. >> it's okay, baby. >> ma'am, ma'am.
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ma'am. do you have anything in that car? >> no. >> what's going on? is this your brother? >> yeah. >> your brother came here to have sex with a 13-year-old. >> 13? she wasn't supposed to have sex with her. she was supposed to go out with us. >> answer my question. you get back in the car. get the child back in the car seat. put the child back in the car seat. you get back in the car. >> it's unfortunate that the sister has to go through all this. obviously she didn't get into any trouble. she was trying to help out her brother. >> i got two words for nbc, role playing chat room, all right? the girl was role playing. asked her what she said on the phone? i just like to play. what's that? for your pedophile thing i'm not guilty. i'm going to sue somebody. >> he told me she was 17.
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i haven't even eyed on the girl. if i knew she was 13 i wouldn't have picked her up. >> this is a bomb wrap, bomb wrap. does it look like i need to get 14-year-old girls? >> open it up. i have no problem with you. you be cool and i'm cool. >> nbc again. how you all doing, nbc? >> you see that there's something wrong with someone your age coming here to meet somebody who is 14? >> yes, sir. >> and what's wrong with that? >> um -- it's against the law. >> police. get on the ground! t was anythin. i had pain in my abdomen... it just wouldn't go away. i was spotting,
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i'm milissa rehberger. here's what's happening. the presidential candidates will be hitting the battleground states this week. mitt romney is in ohio tonight. ann romney will be later this week. president obama will be in virginia on thursday. sad news out of washington's national zoo. a giant panda cub has died. the panda's mother made unusual noises this morning. now back to "predator raw." >> this investigation in ft. missouri yers employed the most cameras we ever used. we had one hidden in a palm tree that could zoom in with enough clarity to read a license plate on a car that was down the block. >> he pulled in the driveway. >> is there anything i need to say? chris? anything you want me to say?
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>> i like your picture. >> you like his picture. he's in the archway. making the turn. approaching the back door. on the step town. >> i made some chocolate chip cookies and left them on the table. >> the online decoy wasn't there. he thought he was talking to a girl named liz. now emily has to play the role during the conversation. >> i really like your picture. i can't wait to see you. >> i know. >> it is because of that conversation with the doe coy that suddenly they say okay, there is a real girl f there's a potential of fulfilling this fantasy i have. and they walk in. >> what kind of alcohol did you bring? >> i brought absolutely citron. i brought mandarin orange. i brought a shot of
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jagermeister. i got bush. >> did you condoms? >> yeah, i did. >> with all that it sounds like you got a pretty big night planned, huh? >> what was your plan here? >> my plan? just to hang out. >> hang out with whom? >> hang out with liz. >> how old is liz? >> 14, i think. >> 14, you think. and how old are you? 27. >> what do you do for a living. ? >> i'm looking for a job. hi got laid off. >> what is your degree in? >> hospitality management? >> have you had a job in the field? >> yes. >> it's hard to understand how someone gets to college, has the ability to get a good job, ends up kind of lost, and trolling the internet for young teens. >> do you see that there's something wrong with someone your age coming here to meet
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somebody who is 14? >> yes, sir. >> and what's wrong with that? >> it's against the law. >> against the law. and you knew that before you came over here. >> not really. >> but you know it now? >> mm-hmm. >> how long did it take you to get here from. >> to here? it took me -- let's see, i left at 3:00, probably about almost four hours. >> four hours. that's a lot to go through just to meet a 14-year-old girl. >> it is. you have to be pretty dedicated. so you guy are going to what? have a few drinks? hang out. >> hang out. watch a movie. not necessarily have sex, but if it came down to that, i mean it's illegal to have sex with a
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minor. >> i want to make love to you, you say. she says i never done it before but only because no one wanted to. you say, we can make love all night long. >> thornton looked a little lost in life. and he's one of those guys who you can feel sorry for. but, you know, he made it very clear in his chat what he was willing to do with a young teenage girl. i want to show you something personal. she says, sure, what? well, it's something underneath my pants. i know you would die if someone founds out you viewed it. it starts with a "p "and ends in an "a cents. you know, that's illegal to send that to somebody who you think is underage. >> and he exposes himself. and then he masturbates, and it leaves little room for guessing as to what his accident was when he got to the house.
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>> are you addicted? >> i'm not extremely addicted. i am addicted to a certain point. >> do you have a compulsion? >> i don't know what that is, actually. >> do you have a problem controlling yourself when i comes to meeting young people online? yes, i have a problem with that. and what have you done to get treatment or help with that? >> i've went to counseling many, many times. so based upon the fact that you're here to meet a 14-year-old that counseling isn't working out too well, is it? >> no. >> first there's the porn site. then the chat room. then explicit behavior online. then they get to the point where nothing will satisfy them except for this face-to-face meeting. that's where he was. >> you have to deal with it on your own now. >> yeah, because i am an adult.
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>> what's it going to take? >> it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of patience and a lot of rethinking. >> you know how this chat looks? i mean, you are ready to go here. >> i got to tell you something. i'm chris hansen from "dateline nbc, and we are doing a story on adults trying to meet children on the internet. what you may not know is that everything from the time you drove down the street until now has been videotaped. if there's anything else you would like to say to us, we would like to hear it, if not, you're obviously free to walk out the door you came in. >> all right. thank you.
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police! get on the ground. >> anything sharp in your pockets? >> no. >> we're not going to let this guy leave if he doesn't come. >> come here for a second. >> i like to stay in my house. >> show me a piece of mail with your name on it. >> okay, i can go get my library card. >> okay. so now i can be in the scene. advair is clinically proven to help significantly improve lung function. unlike most copd medications, advair contains both an anti-inflammatory and a long-acting bronchodilator working together to help improve your lung function all day. advair won't replace fast-acting inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than twice a day. people with copd taking advair may have a higher chance of pneumonia.
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there's a car coming back down the street. he want a wave in. >> thomas moffett was a guy who had a good job. he was like head of maintenance for a ritzy resort on the east coast of florida. and he has been carrying on this conversation with a decoy who he thought was a young teenage girl and ultimately drove to our house and in the wee hours of the morning. hold on. wave, wave, wave. he hit the brakes and backing up. emily. go to the door and wave. >> you can see my house. >> he's trying to wave her out to the street. no way. turn around and walk inside. tell him he can follow or not. it's his choice. >> you coming? >> come on. it's like really hot out here. the door is open.
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>> he gets out. he smokes a cigarette. he decide he's almost going to come in. the decoy says come on, everything is fine. >> he's did he feel nervous. he wants to come in, but he's nervous. call him again. he's still standing outside. >> you can get ready right be here and come get a cookie. >> he's on the first step. >> reporter: we're not going to let this guy leave if he doesn't come in. so go ahead and position him. emily, go to where he can see you, like between you and the tv. hey, if you're not going to come in, i'm going to go to bed. >> come here for a second. >> i'm right by the kitchen. i just took the kitchen out of the oven. >> toni, come here please. >> i like to stay in my my house. it makes me feel comfortable. you're nervous, come back now. >> you never acted this way when
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he talked before. really? talking in person is a little different than talking in line. >> you don't sound the same? >> why? what did you picture me as? >> your picture looks different, too. >> the online decoys have a pool of pictures of young kids that they use. sometimes it doesn't match up with emily. the onsite decoy. so get into the situation where the guy says you look different than your picture. she has to deal with that. frag is trying to talk her through it. >> you said you were going to do something for me in the laundry room and i was going to get ready in that room. that was part of the deal. this wasn't part of anything we talked about. >> all this is playing out at once. i'm trying to be on my toes and be ready for anyone in these scenario. he talked about taking off his clothes as he came inside.
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he talked about staying the night. >> were you lying to me? >> are you going to back out on me? cause that's what i feel like you're going to do. >> i'm in the sun room, which is sort of a side rime adjacent to the living room. so i have a bank of monitors, so i can see what's going on in the back of the house, the front it have the house, in the living room, coming up the hallway. and the rest of the crew is upstair upstairs. >> i'm just being cautious. >> of what? >> i just am. >> there's nothing to be worried about. >> just because it's 4:00 in the morning, we're not going to say, that's it. you work as long as it takes. >> toni, come here. >> i'll give you five minutes to get ready in the laundry room. right here. >> there's absolutely no downside to this. this is good.
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it plays well. >> show me a piece of mail with your name on it. there's got to be something here with your name on it. >> okay, i can go get my library card. >> okay. >> but you have to get ready in the laundry room. >> okay. >> is that a deal? >> yes. >> you promise? >> yes. >> she's getting in the middle. >> i'm going to get my library card. while i go up the stairs, i want to hear you getting ready in here. >> okay. >> hey, are you coming. >> where is your card? >> dude i can't even find my freaking library card, and if you're not going to come in, i'm just going to bed, okay. this is getting ridiculous. so i'm going to go put my nightirg e on, and if you want to come in, i'll leave my door open for a little bit, or i'm just going to get ready for a little bit. >> so they may have been ten
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feet apart at one point. ultimately he just wouldn't come in the house. take him, take him. take him. >> get down. get down. >> i didn't do anything. >> get your ass down! >> i didn't do anything. i didn't do anything. >> put your hands behind your back. >> i didn't do anything. i'm walking away. >> it's hard to go right to sleep, because your adrenaline is at a high level. and then you got to get up at 8:00 in the morning and start all over again. >> do you have anything sharp in your pockets to stick me or cut me? >> no, sir. >> nothing at all. you want me to take them off? >> mr. moffitt? >> yes, sir. >> please step out. >> you going to tell your folks about this? >> my mom is going to take my computer and completely throw it away. >> you're 48 years old. why should you rely on your
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hello? >> hey, take a seat. i'll be right there. >> i couldn't find this place. >> i know. it's so hard to find. >> donald morrison was one of those characters who had not been a graphic nature. >> what's going on? >> i don't know.
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i have a compulsion for younger women. >> just meeting them? >> i've met a dozen of them on and on. >> did you ever get in trouble for them? >> i met a girl in michigan. >> how old was that girl? >> 17. >> what trouble did you get in there. >> her grandfather wanted to charge me with something that they couldn't do or something. they arrest me for trying to to possess and because i had pictures and let's see and in michigan. >> did you get pictures of the girl? >> uh-huh. >> morrison just laid it out there. not only did he admit to what he was doing that night, he has a history. >> since i was 21 or 22. >> and tonight you were willing
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to complete a 15-year-old. >> i don't know why. >> you treat this like you forgot to pay for some candy at the grocery store? >> i came to meet her because she told me she was bored. i said, do you want me to come down and meet you? she said, sure, come on down. i said, okay, that's it. i know it's wrong. i knew i shouldn't have done it. >> why did you do it, then? >> i don't know. just -- just because what people sweet talk me, i fall. i fall. >> in donald morrison's mind, he truly thinks that if a young teenage girl says it's okay to have sex, it's okay. >> you say, if you are ready for sex, i'll give it to you but i have erectile dysfunction, won't get real hard. sure sounds like you were preparing for a sex act. >> i was preparing for it because she said that, you know -- i said, if you saw what
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i said, i said, if you want t. i will give it to you but i'm not going to force anything thaw don't want. i'm not going to force myself on you. >> that doesn't make it legal, though. >> i know it doesn't make it legal. >> i want you to be honest with me. if i wasn't here with you tonight and a young girl was, who was alone and willing to have sex, what do you think would have happened? >> i can say, yes, it probably would have if she said, let's go for it. >> and up don't see anything wrong with it? >> yes, i do but i had a lack of judgment. >> here's a guy who is middle-aged and doesn't appear to have a lot of money in his pockets who is living with his parents. >> i know my mom is going to take my computer and completely throw it away. >> you're 48 years old why
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should you rely on your mommy for lack of discipline? >> because of lack of discipline and not having physical contact with anybody. just lost it. >> ultimately, donald morrison says, okay, i get what's going on here. i'm probably on "to catch a predator" right now. recognizes me. >> did you think the stories were bad because of what date line did? >> some of the things that "dateline" did. >> so when you say that you thought the stories were bad, are you talking about the stories or the guys caught in the stories? >> the guys that got caught in the stories and i know this is probably going to be on "dateline," too, so go ahead and put it on. >> well, you know who i am?
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>> yes, i know who you are. i recognized it. i heard -- i recognized the voice. i don't really watch "dateline." i'm usually working 2:00 to 11:00. >> i'm chris hansen with late dooin nbc. >> i recognize you from your voice. >> and everything you've just said and done has all been recorded. >> okay. >> and if you have anything else you'd like to tell us, we'd like to hear it. >> just saying that, you know, i shouldn't have done it. this is something i normally don't go out and do. >> donald, you're free to walk out that door, that same door you walked in. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> thank you for bringing -- you know, kicking me in the pants and setting me straight, chris. this will be the first and this will be the last time. i give you permission to even monitor me if you want to. >> i appreciate it. >> i'm willing, you know, if i could find a counselor, i'll go to counseling. >> maybe he should have help.
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but i think, looking back on it now, there's also a little bit of showmanship going on on donald morrison's part. he says if he admits he's got a problem and thanks me for giving me a kick in the pants, as i believe he put it. >> am i going to be arrested when i go out there? >> it's not up to me. >> okay. you're free to go. >> the way this was set up, there was a tendency for the guys to go out the back door instead of the front door. >> straight back. >> he steps off that back step,
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which is kind of a big step, and ft. myers police are right on him. what physical threat did he pose? probably not a great threat. >> i knew "dateline" was in there. but you never know how somebody might react when they walk out of the house after being on television. >> i'm diabetic. >> needles in your pockets? >> no, sir. >> knees to your chest and roll-up. >> can you get my glasses? >> i got them. >> the arrest is made and morrison goes into, you know, a diabetic shock of sorts and they didn't want to take any chances obviously so they actually took him to the hospital and he was actually handcuffed to the stretchers as he went in. he was treated and ultimately released and processed and charged. >> donald morrison, you're
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charged with sex offense of communication with a computer to seduce a child. >> your honor, may i ask a question? >> no, sir. >> i tried to be a journalist there. i'm there to find out what is going on in these guy's minds. to show how it happens and educate people. we approach this like it's a continuing story.


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